Singing Guide: Jon Hendricks

Singing Guide: Jon Hendricks

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Hendricks's Vocal Technique

One of the hallmarks of Jon Hendricks's singing was his use of vocalese - a technique where singers put words to improvised jazz solos. Hendricks was a pioneer of this style and was considered to be one of the greatest practitioners of it. Hendricks's ability to sing complex rhythms, intricate melodies and rapid-fire lyrics in vocalese was like no other.

Another technique that was central to Hendricks's singing was his use of scatting. For those who are unfamiliar, scatting is the art of using your voice to mimic the sound of instruments in jazz music. Hendricks was a master of this technique, and his ability to scat was an essential part of his unique vocal style.

Hendricks's Songs

One of Hendricks's most well-known songs is "Count Me In." In this song, Hendricks sets words to a dizzying saxophone solo by Cannonball Adderley. It's a prime example of what made Hendricks a master of vocalese.

Another classic Hendricks performance is his rendition of "Fiesta in Blue." This song is a great example of how Hendricks used scatting to complement an arrangement. In "Fiesta in Blue," Hendricks's scatting serves as the perfect accompaniment to the instrumental parts of the song.

These two songs are excellent examples of Hendricks's style, and they're a great starting point for those who want to learn to sing like him.


  • Vocal Range Test: Find out your vocal range and compare it to Jon's.
  • Pitch Accuracy Test: Assess your pitch accuracy and work on improving it.
  • Vocal Pitch Monitor: Use a virtual piano to to monitor and improve your pitch accuracy.
  • Pitch Training: Use interactive vocal warm-ups, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility.
  • Search songs: Find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.
  • Artist vocal ranges: Discover vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers, including Jon Hendricks.
  • Singing course: A 21-lesson program covering singing theory and practical tips.

In conclusion, if you're a fan of Jon Hendricks and want to learn to sing like him, start by studying his unique vocal technique and the songs that showcase it. Use Singing Carrots resources like the vocal range and pitch accuracy tests, as well as the vocal pitch monitor, pitch training, artist vocal ranges, and singing course to help improve your ability. With dedication and practice, you can learn to sing like Jon Hendricks and become a master of vocalese and scatting yourself.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.